Sanad (Monthly Financial Assistance/Subsidy)
This program falls under the channels of Zakat disbursement to the needy. Its objective is to extend a helping hand to those in need, to lighten the living burden on them. The EZCH was established specifically for this purpose, to help this segment of society.

Program Goals:
The program objectives are to help the needy cope with living requirements in case they lack the means to earn a living and to alleviate the suffering of those with little to no means, with the purpose of maintaining dignity and security in the society.
Program Axes:
EZCH offers this service in the form of direct cash assistance to families or individuals to help them cope with living pressures. It also helps those who do not receive aid from other concerned institutions and organizations, and who face difficulties in applying for aid.
Requird Documents:
Copy of national identification card or birth certificate for minors
Proof of marital status (widowhood - divorce - unemployment) for the beneficiary and for sons and daughters (one year old or more).
Proof of Income through (work contract in case of employment / or a printout of insurance (Form 18)
document for spouses), a copy of a housing lease contract or a utility receipt for an owned residence,
utility bill (electricity – water – telephone or gas) for the last month and any other financial obligations (such as university or school tuition).
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications are submitted directly to the Headquarters of the Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Mercy (Orphan Sponsorship)
This falls under the disbursement channel for the poor and needy with the objective of providing orphan care through financial and moral support. This is in observance with the Hadith in which the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, "I and the guarantor of the orphan in Paradise are together,” putting both his index and middle fingers together. The EZHC focuses on this society segment in recognition of their desperate need for moral and material support. This has necessitated the development of a fast-tracking mechanism for this particularly vulnerable fragment to facilitate application procedures, social investigation and aid collection. Effective guidelines have been formulated to expedite investigation, document provision, and collection processes for EZCH caseworkers handling the applications. These guidelines also indicate how to treat such vulnerable cases towards alleviating their sufferance.

Program Goals:
• Integrating orphans in the society.
• Addressing the orphans’ living requirements and morally sustaining them.
• Securing legitimate sources of income for orphans to ensure their decent living.
• Maintaining decent life for those eligible for Zakat donations.
Program Axes:
The EZCH provides direct assistance services in the form of monthly cash support, educational expenses for children, school uniforms, and other living requirements. This support is provided to orphans and those unable to receive similar aid from relevant organizations and charitable associations or when such services are not available through these entities fully or partially.
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the family minors.
2. Death certificate of the father.
3. Proof of Income, either through pay slips, in case of employment, or an insurance document for the wife.
4. Copy of the duly attested lease contract or utility receipts for owned residence.
5. Utility receipts (electricity, gas, water, telephone) for the previous month.
6. Any other obligations, such as university or school fees for the children.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of the Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Health (Health and Medical Treatment Services)
This service falls under the category of the "poor and needy fund" and it aims to extend a helping hand to needy patients who have difficulty affording the costs of medical treatment. This is done in an effort by the EZCH to alleviate their suffering and find ways to treat their ailments. The EZCH has shown interest in boosting this segment of society in full recognition of their urgent need for assistance and support.

Program Goals:
Providing care for individuals with no access to medical aid through other sources is a service offered by the EZCH. It aims to alleviate the suffering of those incapable of affording medical treatment. This initiative contributes to creating a healthy and productive society. It also contributes to a decent life for those deserving of Zakat funds.
Program Axes:
The EZCH provides direct assistance in the form of medical aid, including medications, costs of medical procedures, surgical supplies, medical equipment, etc. This assistance is extended to families or individuals who have experienced or are currently having health problems and are unable to meet the necessary requirements for their healthcare. It also covers cases with no access to the services due to a lack of insurance coverage from relevant entities (health insurance, state provisions, or employer support) or when these services are fully or partially unavailable in these entities.
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the minors in the family.
2. Medical report in Arabic.
3. Medical treatment statements (medications, supplies) that are not covered by health insurance or by other relevant entities (health insurance, state provisions, or employer support).
4. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the minors in the family.
5. Proof of marital status (widowhood, divorce, unemployment) for the beneficiary, as well as for children aged 18 and above.
6. Proof of income, either through pay slips in case of employment or an insurance document for both spouses.
7. Copy of the duly attested lease agreement or utility receipts for the owned residence.
8. Utility receipts (electricity, gas, water, telephone) for the previous month.
9. Any other obligations, such as university or school fees for the children who are studying.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Health and Treatment Service Request Form
Shield and Warmth (Housing and Infrastructure)
To restore and refurbish poor people’s houses
This service falls under the category of assistance for the poor and needy, aiming to provide support to affected families whose houses or shelters are damaged, hindering their daily lives and access to decent living conditions. The EZCH cares for this society segment in full recognition of their urgent need for assistance and support. Therefore, mechanisms have been developed to facilitate and streamline the procedures for submitting applications, conducting social investigation (of eligibility), and receiving aid. Necessary guidelines have been set for investigation and disbursement, and also for alleviating the sufferings of this particular segment.
Program Goals:
• Assisting cases that are unable to furnish or renovate their own houses.
• Contributing to a decent life for eligible cases through Zakat funds.
Program Axes:
The EZCH provides this service in the form of in-kind assistance to renovate the houses of affected families whose lives are significantly impacted by the damage. It also includes furnishing existing or new housing units with the purpose of reducing their living burdens and pressures and enabling them to lead a normal life. Support is extended to those who have no access to the same service through relevant entities (charitable organizations) or when such services are fully or partially unavailable in these entities.
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card for all family members.
2. Birth certificates for children (for minors).
3. Property ownership documents or a valid 10-year lease contract in case of application for house furnishing.
4. Building permit from the municipality or housing authority, or any relevant government entity.
5. Executive drawings (if required for roof construction applications).
6. Utility receipts (electricity, gas, water).
7. Certificate from the Department of Social Affairs regarding the family provider’s pension status (whether they receive a pension or not).
8. Certificate from the Social Insurance Authority regarding the family provider’s pension status (whether they receive a pension or not).
9. Salary statement in case the family provider is employed in public, private, or government sector.
10. Certificate from the Agricultural Association confirming homestead (if applicable).
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Make them happy (Marriage facilitation)
To facilitate marriage, the poor and needy fund aims to provide financial assistance to female youth about to get married. This assistance is intended for the purchase of electrical appliances or for meeting the requirements of starting a family life. The EZCH gives special attention to this segment of society due to their urgent need for assistance. Hence, a mechanism has been developed to facilitate and streamline the procedures for application, conducting social investigation, and receiving aid. The necessary guidelines for investigation and disbursement have been established to serve as a reference for specialized investigation officers working on individual cases. Moreover, the required documents and the due treatment have been identified towards alleviating the hardships suffered by this segment.

Program Goals:
1. Providing financial assistance to female youth by equipping them with the necessary items for marriage.
2. Mobilizing community resources to facilitate the marriage of impoverished females.
3. Alleviating the hardships of poor families and protecting them from falling into debt.
4. Contributing to chastity and social security within the community.
5. Contributing to a decent life for those eligible for Zakat funds.
Program Axes:
Program Components: The EZCH provides direct financial assistance in the form of cash allowance to support young women in purchasing essential items for marriage. This contribution aims to involve family members and breadwinners in shouldering the burdens and expenses of marriage. This assistance is extended to individuals who have not received the same support from relevant organizations or charities.
Requird Documents:
1. Marriage certificate or marriage contract.
2. Copy of national ID card.
3. Proof of income, either through salary statements (in case of employment) or an insurance certificate for both spouses.
4. Copy of a duly attested lease agreement or utility receipts as proof of owned residence.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Relief (Humanitarian Relief)
Relief Program (Humanitarian Relief) for Crises and Disasters Intervention falls under the umbrella of the poor and needy fund, aiming to provide immediate assistance and relief to individuals and families who are experiencing a crisis or disaster. Its purpose is to alleviate their suffering and find ways to address the challenges they face. The EZCH has shown a particular interest in caring for this segment of society, recognizing their urgent need for assistance. This necessitates prompt and secure intervention that takes into account the facilitation and ease of procedures for delivering the aid and the approach in dealing with this group, with the ultimate goal of alleviating their hardships.

Program Goals:
1. Providing urgent assistance for cases requiring immediate intervention.
2. Alleviating their suffering and providing timely intervention, aiming to build a resilient society capable of overcoming challenges and disasters.
3. Contributing to providing a dignified life for those eligible for Zakat funds.
Program Axes:
Program Components: The EZCH directly provides cash or in-kind assistance to affected families and communities as a result of crises or disasters, including floods, earthquakes, adverse weather conditions, mass accidents, etc. This assistance is aimed at alleviating the direct and indirect damage that impede their daily living and impacting their dignity. The program focuses on rapid intervention to provide necessary support and assistance to affected families, easing their burdens and pressures and helping them return to normal life.
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the entire family, including minors.
2. Copy of the duly attested lease agreement or utility receipt as proof of residence in case of owned residence.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
The Education Program (School and University Education Support)
The Education Program (School and University Education Support) falls under the purview of the EZCH support for the poor and the needy. It aims to aid students at various educational levels who are financially unable to bear the costs of education. The EZCH recognizes the urgent need of this segment of society for support and assistance, which necessitated the development of a mechanism that facilitates and streamlines the procedures for application, social assessment, and receipt of aid. Necessary guidelines have been established for conducting investigation, determining eligibility, and defining the required documents and approaches to alleviate the hardships faced by these individuals.
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.

Program Goals:
Program Axes:
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the entire family, including minors.
2. Proof of marital status (widowhood, divorce, unemployment) for the beneficiary and children aged 18 years old or above.
3. Proof of income, such as salary slips for employed individuals or insurance documents for both spouses.
4. Copy of duly attested lease agreement for the rented residence, or utility receipts for owned residence.
5. Receipts for utilities (electricity, gas, water, telephone) for the previous month.
6. Educational obligations, such as university and school fees for the enrolled children.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Himmah (People with Special Needs)
The "Himma" Program (Program for People of Determination) falls under the purview of the EZCH Poor and Needy channel. It aims to support individuals with special needs by providing the necessary funds for their rehabilitation, specialized education, and other needs to enable their active social engagement. The EZCH recognizes the urgent need of this segment for support and assistance, which necessitates the development of a mechanism that facilitates and streamlines the procedures for application, social investigation, and receipt of aid. Necessary guidelines have been established for conducting investigation, determining eligibility, identifying required documents, and outlining the approach to dealing with this group in order to alleviate their suffering.

Program Goals:
The program focuses on the following aspects:
The EZCH provides direct assistance in the form of essential aids and equipment, such as electric wheelchairs, crutches, beds, medical mattresses, walking aids, and other necessary medical supplies, for individuals with disabilities (visual, hearing, intellectual). Assistance is provided to those with no access the same services through relevant organizations or institutions due to the lack of insurance coverage or unavailability of the required services.
Program Axes:
Requird Documents:
1. Documentation specifying the required assistive device, including the type of device and its appropriate technical specifications.
2. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for the entire family, including minors.
3. Proof of marital status (widowhood, divorce, unemployment) for the beneficiary and children 18 years old or above.
4. Proof of income, such as salary slips for employed individuals or insurance documents for both spouses.
5. Copy of the duly attested lease agreement for the rented residence or utility receipts for owned residence.
6. Utilities (electricity, gas, water, telephone) receipts for the previous month.
7. Any other obligations, such as university and school fees for the enrolled children
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
The Debted (Debt Settlement)
The care for debtors and the families of prisoners falls under the purview of the Debtors' Relief and Prisoners' Families Fund. Its aim is to alleviate the burdens of these debtors who have been caught in the grip of debts and were unable to repay, as well as those imprisoned leaving behind families and children in need of care. This category of financially distressed citizens is referred to as "debtors," and they represent eligible beneficiaries of the Zakat funds. The EZCH is responsible for paying off the debts of eligible cases, in cases their creditors have enforcement judgements against them, and after negotiation with the parties involved regarding the possibility of reducing the debt amount. It also identifies the required documents and the approach to dealing with this category in order to meet their needs.

Program Goals:
1. Assisting debtors in settling their debts and integrating them into their communities.
2. Supporting and caring for prisoners' families and their children, meeting their livelihood needs.
3. Contributing to providing a decent life for Zakat beneficiaries.
Program Axes:
The EZCH provides direct financial assistance in the form of cash payments to repay the debts of eligible individuals. It also provides in-kind and cash assistance to prisoners' families and their children, including payment of school fees, utility bills (electricity, gas), transportation expenses for the children, purchasing school uniforms, all of which should be proved by valid receipts and documentation. Additionally, the program caters to those who have not been able to receive the same services from other charitable institutions or have faced difficulties in accessing such services from the same entities fully or partially.
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the court judgment to prove the debt, including its value, based on supporting documents.
2. Copy of the national ID card or birth certificate for all family members, including minors.
3. Proof of marital status certificate (widowhood, divorce, unemployment) for the beneficiary and children over 18 years old.
4. Proof of income, such as salary statements for employed individuals or insurance documents for both spouses.
5. Duly attested copy of the rental contract or utility bill as proof of owned residence.
6. Receipts for utilities (electricity, gas, water) for the previous month.
7. Any other obligations, such as university or school fees for the enrolled children.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.
Empowerment (Productive Projects)
The Productive Projects Program encompasses the establishment of small-scale or micro-level productive or service-oriented projects as a means of providing support. These projects aim to employ and train the impoverished in various trades and professions using funds from charitable associations, with the ultimate goal of lifting them out of poverty. Feasibility studies are prepared to determine the cost and ROIs for these projects.

Program Goals:
Within the framework of the EZCH directives, the program aims to establish a society of justice and equality. Its goal is to combat poverty and unemployment and solve the problems of the poor and needy and improve their living standards. The program focuses on equipping individuals with skills in various professions, promoting self-sufficiency, and meeting their essential needs.
Program Outline: The EZCH supported projects vary depending on the nature of the environment surrounding each family in each governorate. The projects encompass a wide range of areas, including animal husbandry, fisheries, trade, agriculture, industry, handicrafts, heritage preservation, and entrepreneurship in information technology, among others.
Program Axes:
Requird Documents:
1. Copy of the national ID card for all family members.
2. Copy of birth certificates for children (for minors).
3. School and university enrollment certificates.
4. Copy of the lease contract for rented residence.
5. Certificate from the Social Affairs Department stating whether the head of the family receives any assistance or not.
6. Certificate from the Social Insurance Department stating whether the head of the family receives any benefits or not.
7. Certificate from the Agricultural Association (Homestead statement for residents in rural areas).
8. Security Clearance certificate.
9. Military Service certificate.
10. Feasibility study for the project.
Mechanism for obtaining the service :
Applications can be submitted directly to the Headquarters of Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif or through EZCH representatives at the Al-Azhar Institutes in each governorate, during weekdays except for Fridays and Saturdays.